The medicinal benefits of cannabis has long been proven, but could this plant also be a miracle cure for COVID-19? This question has been posed by many in the medical fraternity, prompting investigations not just abroad, but also right here in South Africa. In Gauteng, funds have been earmarked to perform more research into the efficacy of using CBD to treat COVID-19 symptoms, so while the jury is still technically out, let’s look at some results of previous studies and why doctors and scientists are hopeful that it may be successful.
Several studies have already highlighted CBD’s potential to assist in the treatment of COVID-19, thanks to its known anti-inflammatory properties. In one peer-reviewed study conducted on mice at Augusta University in Georgia, it was found that CBD may positively impact ARDS (acute respiratory distress syndrome), one of the most life-threatening COVID-19 symptoms that is brought on by an overactive inflammatory response. Another study that was performed by Israeli companies Eybna and CannaSoul also suggested that CBD was more effective at reducing cytokines than dexamethasone and twice as affective at treating inflammation related to COVID-19 than corticosteroids.
How Does CBD Treat COVID-19?
The basic premise of these and other studies is that using CBD or terpenes from cannabis to reduce inflammation may assist in preventing the immune response known as a cytokine storm. Cytokines are proteins that are released in the body in response to an infection (such as one caused by the Novel coronavirus), but when too many cytokines are released, it can be really dangerous, causing symptoms such as extremely high fever, excessive inflammation, severe fatigue, nausea, difficulty breathing and, in some cases, even death.
In addition to its potential to reduce inflammation and therefore the likelihood of a cytokine storm in Covid-19 patients, CBD has also proven beneficial in combatting stress and anxiety related to the ongoing pandemic.
Is It Safe?
More research is definitely needed, however what is currently clear is that while CBD may be effective in treating cytokine storms in severe cases of Covid-19, its immunosuppressant effect may actually be harmful during the earlier stages of the disease, when your immune system needs to be at its strongest.
Despite its promising outlook, we strongly urge you to check with your medical practitioner or advisor if you have tested positive for COVID-19 and are considering the use of medicinal CBD. And if you do decide to take cannabis, make sure you use it in oil or edible form, as smoking may cause irritation and inflammation of the lungs, which may be further exacerbated by Covid-19.

See what one of our Club Members have to say about Crescendo:
- Pleasant, sweet candy smell with a lot of fizz / sherbet
- Powerful Wave…Brace Yourself
- Dual Purpose Day or Night.
- Was super active on it and also great for relaxing
- Also great for aches and pains
We’ve added two new strains to our cultivar list for you to choose from when signing up to become a member of The ZOL Club. If you are already a member of the club, then contact us should you want to swop out a one of your existing strains for one of these new strains.
Please welcome
Gorilla Glue
Indica/Sativa Hybrid
Dirty Banana
Indica Dominant
Potency: 28.7%